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Why My 7th Graders Memorized the 50 States

When U.S. history teacher Lauren Brown realized how little her 7th graders knew about the 50 states, she resorted to memorization. “Knowing more about our country’s geography will help students as they go on to learn its history and politics.” Elementary teachers need to help.

What About This Text Influences My Reaction?

As NBCT Marilyn Pryle concludes her series on key questions to help students become critical readers, she considers how to help them pry open any text and name what they see. “What in this content is meant to grab my attention and evoke emotion? Why do I react the way I do?”

Vision Boards Help Us Reignite Career Goals

If you know your ‘why’ as a teacher, you can parlay that knowledge into a set of directions that motivate your daily work. Kelly Owens shares how career vision boards can play a significant role in that process. Included: Ideas to help students create their own vision boards.

Black History Month All Year Long

African Americans faced severe repression when Carter G. Woodson established Negro History Week in 1926. In this updated MiddleWeb resource, we share links that trace the impact of African Americans in politics, arts and sciences, and report on the call to teach Black history throughout the school year.

Using Flexible Seating to Transform Learning

Whether it’s standing desks, beanbags or low tables, flexible seating helps students feel more comfortable, engaged, and in control of their own learning. Kathie Palmieri shares research showing how flexible seating can meet physical, social, and cognitive needs of students.

Media Literacy Moments Throughout Your Day

Concerned by the News Literacy Project’s survey revealing teens’ difficulties in separating fact and fiction, Megan Kelly is finding as many classroom minutes as possible to build her students’ media literacy skills. She shares some quick activities her classes like best.

How Am I Reacting to the Text I’m Consuming?

Using the simple question “How am I reacting?” NBCT and author Marilyn Pryle shows how she teaches students to observe, identify, and manage their emotions when they encounter any text so that they become not only stronger critical thinkers, but better citizens and human beings.

Zoom In on Reflection in Math Problem Study

The most important step in learning to solve math word problems is reflection, writes math coach Mona Iehl, “yet it’s often overlooked or sacrificed for the sake of time.” Iehl shares her workshop approach to problem solving and how she builds quick reflections into her lessons.

Vocab and Context Clues Across the Curriculum

Kathie Palmieri has been exploring the significance of vocabulary and the use of context clues to decipher meaning across all the core subject areas. After researching and working with her own students, she shares her findings on the impact of word study on academic success.