Author: MiddleWeb

Rick Wormeli: The Right Way to Do Redos

In a successfully differentiated class, writes middle grades learning expert Rick Wormeli, “we often allow students to redo work and assessments for full credit.” Several stipulations and protocols make it less demanding on teachers and more helpful to students.

How to Be Ready for Hard Conversations

In Hard Conversations Unpacked Jennifer Abrams offers effective strategies for engaging in difficult but necessary dialogue, helping educators grow the confidence and skills to create positive change in varied environments, says literacy specialist Lisa Maucione.

The Art and Practice of Coaching Teams

Elena Aguilar’s “The Art of Coaching Teams ” is a practical resource full of proactive thinking gleaned from 20 years as a teacher and coach, says instructional specialist Deserie Bradvica. For those ready to lead teams with “a focus on trust, clarity and purpose.”

Sustaining School Innovation Year After Year

Innovation efforts never cease in today’s high-stakes school environment. But effort isn’t enough, say leadership experts Ron Williamson & Barbara Blackburn. Lasting change requires leaders to share ownership and invest long-term in professional learning support.

Mindful Teaching Leads Us to Great Artistry

Mindful living leads to effective teaching and even artistry. After a career in education, Linda Mancia has realized that obstacles can be overcome with the simple faith in what we can learn – from our students, from each other, and especially from ourselves.

The #AMLE2016 “Amber Raffle”

Did we say three? Let’s make it four! Here’s what to do: ✻ Visit Amber’s book page at Routledge Eye on Education. ✻ Then go to our homepage and subscribe (bottom of left column) to MiddleWeb’s monthly newsletter....

Gaming World Peace with Middle Graders

Teacher John Hunter’s book reveals the intricacies and impact of his famed (thanks to a top 100 TEDTalk) World Peace Game, a multi-layered challenge where students collaborate to solve 50 complex problems. Kevin Hodgson appreciates Hunter’s openness to inquiry.

A Must-Have Resource for Integrating STEM

In addition to its value to schools and districts, STEM by Design will help classroom teachers make integrated STEM lessons a reality. Its step-by-step approach leaps beyond mere discussion to a real plan of action, says state science coordinator Kathy Renfrew.

Challenging ELA for Gifted 4th Graders

Lindsay Kasten’s literacy based workbook provides teachers of gifted students from third to fifth grade with lessons and activities about Native Americans, inventions, nature, and struggle. Adaptable for all students, says 4th grade teacher Linda Biondi.