Author: MiddleWeb

History Hook: Ancient Writing on the Walls

Social studies classes are digging into primary sources, learning how to use historians’ methods. Toni Blackwell Rhodes offers medieval and ancient graffiti as an engaging primary source idea in her new book. MS teacher-reviewer Joanne Bell plans to apply the methods to other historical eras.

Bring Word Nerdiness to the Middle Level

A multitude of authentic classroom examples and strategies make “Vocabularians” a must-have book, says ELA teacher and word nerd Amber Chandler. Author Brenda Overturf also provides realistic ways to bring schoolwide vocabulary immersion to the middle grades.

15 Keys to Reaching Leadership Potential

New school leaders will find 15 keys to growing into their positions in Brad Johnson and Julie Sessions’ new book from Routledge/Eye on Education. With tips from current leaders, the book covers leadership style, strengths, wisdom, communication, resilience, responses in crisis, and more.

Unlock Learning by Improving Oral Fluency

Of all the ways educators can improve learning in their classrooms, “the Number 1 way is to strengthen students’ speaking and listening skills and habits,” writes teaching coach and literacy expert Sarah Tantillo. Oral fluency deepens understanding dramatically.

Why Argument Writing Is Important to Teach

Knowing how to respond to counterclaims while developing their own claims in argumentative writing helps students in school and beyond. Educators Leslie Skantz-Hodgson and Jamilla Jones report on their summer studying “They Say/I Say” with teacher colleagues.

Classroom Walkthroughs Can Build Culture

With Moss and Brookhart’s book “Formative Classroom Walkthroughs,” educator teams can transform classroom walkthroughs into collaborations that share responsibility and help build a positive school culture, says assistant principal Mike Janatovich.

Reading Wellness for Students and Teachers

Reading Wellness makes teacher Linda Biondi want to “take a risk in teaching literacy, get out of my comfort zone, collaborate with my colleagues, and bring the joy of reading to all my students – and colleagues.” She expects others will feel the same.

Using Dystopian Fiction to Explore Citizenship

In his ELA classroom, David Sebek focuses on four aspects of what it means to be a “good citizen” – truthfulness, justice, equality and responsibility – and uses whistleblower stories and dystopian fiction to explore the elusive definition of citizenship.

Practical Research Based Writing Strategies

Lori G. Wilfong knows how to write for teachers: concise, conversational and filled with practical ideas. In Writing Strategies That Work: Do This–Not That!, she presents current best practices for teachers of all grades and content areas, says Anne Anderson.

Education for a New Generation of Learners

In The New Teacher Revolution, Josh Stumpenhorst explains how the current system education is not working and offers specifics on things that teachers can do in their own classrooms to address these challenges. Laura Von Staden recommends the book to all teachers.