Author: MiddleWeb

The Rise and Fall of Grammar Bootcamp

For years Amber Chandler has marched her middle school students through Grammar Bootcamp, believing that grammatically correct language is essential to be college and career ready. Now this year’s 7th graders have convinced her there might be a better way.

Dealing with Difficult Teachers

Todd Whitaker provides school administrators with a fresh approach to improve the culture in their schools, suggesting positive strategies for working with mediocre teachers. Reviewer William Evans wanted more research to support experience-based suggestions.

An Engaging Framework for Teaching Genres

Genre Connections provides teachers with “concrete” advice for helping kids discover different genres in a variety of ways. Tanny McGregor’s suggestions for using art and music are particularly helpful, says reviewer Elisa Waingort.

Use Inquiry to Engage Hearts and Minds

Upstanders supports the complex challenge of cross-content literacy with excellent lesson plans, and authors Smokey Daniels and Sara Ahmed also describe a path to develop the most difficult skill for young middle schoolers, learning to be truly empathic.