Media Literacy: Teaching about Visual Media
Students need the skills to read & discern messages in visual media, says Frank Baker, who uses Wall-E and other movies to teach “the language of film.”
Students need the skills to read & discern messages in visual media, says Frank Baker, who uses Wall-E and other movies to teach “the language of film.”
Russel Like shares his writer’s journey and invites you to support his first full-fledged children’s book, Prehistoric Pets, at Kickstarter. We did!
Book Reviews / Differentiation / Prior Knowledge
by MiddleWeb · Published 01/10/2013 · Last modified 11/11/2023
Whether you want to differentiate or just learn more about building prior knowledge, Jill Spencer’s book, Ten Differentiation Strategies for Building Prior Knowledge, is a helpful quick read, says reviewer Lucille Schauer.
Book Reviews / Student Led Conferences
by MiddleWeb · Published 01/07/2013 · Last modified 11/22/2019
Student-led conferences should be more than feel-good experiences for students and parents. Fostering Student Accountability Through Student Led Conferences helped Laura Collander make SLCs matter in her classroom.
Engaging students in creating and analyzing images & films is a key step in developing an important 21st century skill, says media literacy consultant Frank Baker.
Book Reviews / Personal Learning Networks
by MiddleWeb · Published 01/03/2013 · Last modified 11/15/2019
Although the authors of Personal Learning Networks: Using the Power of Connections to Transform Education favor transformation over more pragmatic ed reforms, reviewer Nicole Miller found this book about PLNs “informative, useful, and beneficial.”
Book Reviews / Teaching Research Skills
by MiddleWeb · Published 12/31/2012 · Last modified 11/14/2019
Energize Research Reading and Writing: Fresh Strategies that Spark Interest, Develop Independence, and Meet Key Common Core Standards, Grades 4-8, a book championing the idea that middle grades students should do more authentic research, “comes not a moment too soon,” says ELA teacher Ariel Sacks.
Lee Ann Spillane’s interactive online book Reading Amplified: Digital Tools That Engage Students in Words, Books and Ideas is “a fantastic resource,” says reviewer @dogtrax – perfect for literacy teachers who are ready to explore engaging technologies first-hand.
New Jersey fourth grade teacher Mary Tarashuk shares a powerful reflection on tragedy and teachable moments.
Here are a few of our favorite MiddleWeb posts from 2012. Our thanks to the educators who have contributed articles, MW blogs, interviews, & book reviews!