Author: MiddleWeb

What It Means to Have Rigor in RTI Classrooms

Rigor in the RTI and MTSS Classroom is a practical, research-based approach to the “what” and “how” involved in helping struggling students succeed. Erin Corrigan-Smith notes the authors’ assurance that educators have the knowledge and power to make change happen.

Using Mood and Imagery to Engage Kids with Text

Whether they are fiction or nonfiction, the best stories are told through mood as we react to events, people and emotions. For students, identifying, tracking and exploring moods in stories and images is an easy way to enter into text. Teacher Trevor Bryan shares his approach.

Serving Gifted Students from Special Populations

Building on case studies of 11 gifted students in special populations, the authors provide resources to help all educators understand how to best serve gifted students who also have other special needs. Reviewer Pamela Shaw is a parent of two twice-exceptional kids.

Imperfectly Brave: Help Girls Learn to Fear Less

Reshma Saujani offers insights about what it means for girls to be brave but not perfect. Teachers can pass her ideas on to their students, writes educator Bill Ivey, whether by internalizing them and sharing when needed or by actually studying Saujani’s book in class or in clubs.

An RTI Approach for Nurturing Life Skills

Chris Weber’s useful book, Behavior: The Forgotten Curriculum, An RTI Approach for Nurturing Essential Life Skills, seeks to help schools implement MTSS for behavior in a systematic, practical way, with or without formal adoption of PBIS, writes principal Rita Platt.

5 Surefire Ways to Get Students to Talk in Class

Giving students tools to slice into a text and formulate specific thoughts backed with evidence has transformed NBCT Marilyn Pryle’s classroom discussions. “Instead of tentative guesses from a few, we now have detailed conversations that draw the whole class in.”

Creating Classrooms That Teach the Whole Kid

Respectful, fruitful collaboration among students is not “nice” for kids to master before they make their own way in the world – it is absolutely necessary. It’s especially needed when problems arise. Dina Strasser suggests co-creating norms that serve the whole child.

Essential Reading for New English Teachers

The First-Year English Teacher’s Guidebook is a trustworthy resource that is well-balanced, effective, and research-based. Preservice ELA teacher Tara Sherman expects early career educators (and experienced instructors) will find it easy to use and “wholly recommends it.”

The Human Side of Changing Education

Julie M. Wilson explains how to lead educators through change and also looks at how leaders can sustain their effort by taking her readers on a leadership version of The Hero’s Journey. Principal Michael Whisler particularly liked her Strengths-based Conversation script.

Help Students Craft Mindful Class Responses

In Reading with Presence discover how Marilyn Pryle gives students an opportunity to organize their thoughts, reactions, opinions, and questions in writing, so they’re prepared and even eager to participate in class discussions. Definitely a keeper, writes Anne Anderson.