Category: Learning and the Brain

A Perfect Partnership: SEL & Executive Function

When students learn to both regulate their emotions and apply executive function strategies, they become more engaged learners who are better at managing stress, staying focused, and solving problems. Marilee Sprenger shows how SEL and EF work together in various subject areas.

A Brain-Based Solution to Student Note-Taking

Allison Paludi’s search for student note-taking that makes learning sticky led her to the brain-based concepts of Zaretta Hammond and Harvard’s Project Zero. Applying Hammond’s “ignite, chunk, chew and review” she fashioned a new notes strategy that’s “truly deepened learning.”

7 Brain-Based Ways to Make Learning Stick

When it comes to student learning, we usually think about how to get information into memory, says expert Marilee Sprenger. But we also have to get the information out. Be sure to use these 7 brain-based steps to strengthen connections and make memories permanent.

Maximize the Power of the Middle School Brain

Middle school behavior has more to do with neurotransmitters than hormones, says veteran teacher and consultant Thomas Armstrong. His strategies will help educators reach adolescents through both their “emotional brain’’ and the still undeveloped ‘’rational brain.’’