Category: Articles

History vs. Hollywood: Who Gets the Story Right?

Numerous historical adaptions have been nominated for Academy Awards in recent years. Media literacy expert Frank W. Baker offers ideas and resources to help students examine their historical accuracy and address a middle-level Common Core standard.

Four Myths about Parent Engagement in Middle School

By debunking four myths about parent involvement at the middle level, educators can increase engagement and spark student motivation and performance, says former middle school teacher and school improvement analyst Katie Wester-Neal, who shares some helpful strategies.

Seven Simple Steps to Better Student Writing

Good writing instruction doesn’t have to be complicated, says literacy consultant Sarah Tantillo. No matter what genre you’re teaching – a paragraph, a timed essay or a full-blown research paper – she recommends these basic steps. Rubric included!

Teach Kids to Build Their Own Prior Knowledge

Many teachers are frustrated by Common Core directions to ignore prior knowledge when teaching students to analyze texts, says literacy coach Laura Robb. She recommends a proactive approach: show students how to do it for themselves. Tips included!

Can Technology Help with Group Reading?

Former middle grades teacher Daniel Fountenberry says his experiences struggling to organize group reading sessions among students with varied reading skills led him to develop adaptive technology that tailors the “same” book to different readers.