Category: Articles

Welcome to Teaching!

Veteran middle grades educator & National TOY finalist Cindi Rigsbee is eager to share her excitement about the profession with new teachers. Be inspired!

Socratic Seminars in the Middle

Learn how Socratic Seminars can help students develop effective habits of discussion, explain their ideas, and support them with evidence in this guest post by Sarah Tantillo, who provides a complete how-to with many resources!

Join Global Read Aloud

Each fall students involved in the Global Read Aloud listen to a book and talk about it with kids around the world. Teacher/creator Pernille Ripp tells how to join in.

How Middle School Kids Rejected Stereotypes

Eighth graders present a video and describe the creation of their “I AM Wall” – part of a project on stereotyping that included reading S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders. “It seems that we keep discovering things about ourselves every day, so all we need to strive for is to be ourselves.”