Category: Articles

How Leaders Develop Stakeholder Ownership

Efforts to improve your school will only be successful with widespread support and ownership. This means involving all stakeholders: teachers, staff, families, and community voices. Leadership consultants Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn offer some helpful guidelines.

Spelling Matters in Middle School, Too

Want to help middle school students improve their reading skills? Mark Weakland suggests providing direct and explicit spelling instruction. Emphasizing syllables – roots and affixes – offers lots of building blocks for students. Weakland includes differentiation tips and activity ideas.

Some Lessons I Learned as a First Year Admin

Teaching and instructional coaching weren’t all the prep DeAnna Miller needed when she signed on as a new middle school assistant principal last fall. A year later she looks back at the challenges she faced and the solutions she discovered as she preps for another year.

How 31 Blog Posts Are Changing My Practice

Raised in rural Alberta, Canada, Brent Gilson set out to broaden his understanding of racial and cultural diversity, both to improve his teaching and to raise awareness among his mostly white middle grades students. Taking part in the #31DaysIBPOC Twitter project has been a revelation.

Writing Teachers Are Coaches, Not Umpires

Umpires focus on the correctness of the game. Coaches concentrate on the growth of their players. Teacher Courtney Rejent and consultant Patty McGee show how to shift the focus from correcting writing to helping students develop good writing strategies through coaching.

7 Time-Saving Ways to Balance Teaching Tasks

Is it ever possible to do everything needed to be a consistently effective teacher? Look over Barbara Blackburn’s strategies to develop circumstances where you can thrive: avoid perfectionism, try incremental change, peruse helpful time management resources, and more.

Middle Schoolers Thrive on Place-Based Learning

The ideas behind place-based education are being discussed in more schools and communities, as years of test-driven instruction have many looking for better ways to learn. Fieldwork coordinator Sarah K. Anderson shares the inspiring program at public Cottonwood School.

Want Authentic Data? Try Shadowing Students

To move beyond the usual data reports that crowd admin inboxes, Ronald Williamson and Barbara Blackburn recommend shadow studies that gather insights into how students experience daily school life in and out of class. Learn how it’s done and why it’s worth the time.

Writing Historical Fiction for Middle Grades Kids

Before she finally produced a successful manuscript, Dr. Malayna Evans had to think long and hard about how to integrate ancient Egyptian history into a story that would appeal to today’s kids. So she turned down her “scholar” and turned up her passion for the subject.

How to Get Your Students to Ask More Questions

Student-generated questions put kids in the driver’s seat, advancing learning and engagement, writes expert Jackie Walsh. To encourage students to ask more questions, teachers need to grow a classroom culture where questioning is valued. Walsh shares five strategies that can help.