Category: Articles

3 Strategies for Building Tween Resilience

Winston Churchill once said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” Education author and consultant Barbara Blackburn looks at ways teachers can help young adolescents follow Churchill’s advice and become resilient.

Interpreting Six Common Teacher Nightmares

Teacher-author Roxanna Elden has prepared “a completely unscientific, non-research-based guide” to six common teacher nightmares. They may sound all too familiar to fellow educators. See if she’s analyzed a dream you recognize and share another of your own.

The 5 Craziest Times of the School Year

You know those times where the kids are so spun up that you suspect nothing you say will be remembered tomorrow? You ask yourself, “Why am I even trying to teach today?!” Veteran educator Patti Grayson casts her votes for the most inattentive days of the year.

How to Teach Memoir in the Middle Grades

Educators may be reluctant to try memoir writing with middle grades students, but the rewards are considerable, says 8th grade teacher-author Jake Wizner. He shares three insights that can help guide teachers as they enrich the student writing experience.

Middle Grades Kids Need Field Trips

Field trips don’t have to be elaborate, says school leader Mike Janatovich, but they are important for young adolescents who are still making connections between academic content and the real world. He shares ideas and tips to plan an outing this fall.

The Gr-2 ELA Standard You May Need to Teach

For literacy consultant Sarah Tantillo, Reading Informational Text (RIT) Standard 2.1 is both essential and easy to learn. Yet she suspects many students well beyond Grade 2 haven’t mastered it. She shares a quick technique to teach this high-leverage skill in middle grades.

Tie TV Advertising to Media Literacy Lessons

Knowing how television programming is funded can help students understand what is available to view. Media literacy expert Frank W. Baker links to sources of advertising data and suggests activities to build student savvy about the genres that fill their screens.

School Leaders: Gain from the ‘October Oasis’

As a school leader, consultant Frank Buck’s experience was that “if I wanted to launch something new, re-tool something old, or do some course correction, October was my best shot.” Here, Buck suggests several organizational ideas to pursue during the October Oasis.