Category: Reading

Independent Reading Helps Build Endurance

When we give students time to read a book they’ve chosen, time to practice skills and strategies they’ve been taught, time to read for pleasure and intellectual growth, time to talk about what they’ve read, they build reading stamina and endurance, write Dorfman and Krupp.

13 Exciting New Titles for Your Classroom Library

Need fresh titles for your classroom library? ELA teacher Kasey Short shares 13 new books that are sure to resonate with middle graders. These relatable stories offer diverse perspectives and themes that authentically capture the experiences and challenges of today’s students.

How to Teach Reading in the Middle Grades

By using a menu of formative assessments to target and support students’ specific reading needs, you can differentiate instruction and positively impact their progress at key points in their development. Expert Laura Robb offers a master class in reading support for middle graders.

Pairing Graphic Novels with Their Text Originals

What might students learn about the “invisible process” of reading prose fiction by a comparative study of a novel and its graphic novel counterpart? Jason DeHart promises high interest and aha moments as readers see the story not only with their minds but with their eyes.

Frequent Conferring with Readers Yields Rewards

There are many reasons for quick one-to-one reading conferences in the middle grades, write Brenda Krupp and Lynne Dorfman. Conferring helps teachers strengthen connections with students as they learn about each reader’s interests, strengths, progress and immediate needs.

What If We Taught Less and Facilitated More?

Aileen Hower and Lynne Dorfman refresh our thinking about the advantages of facilitation over too much center-stage teaching. If we learn how to facilitate effectively and balance instructional methods, students will retain more and reteaching time will shrink significantly.

Rebrand Reading for Your Reluctant Readers

Is reading a treat or a chore? The answer depends on the reader’s experience. In preparation for summer reading opportunities, literacy interventionist Kelly Owens suggests some favorite strategies teachers and parents can sneak in to give under-motivated readers a reboot.

Graphic Novels: Paired or Primary Reads?

Do graphic novels get to stand on their own, or should they be paired with additional texts? ELA teacher Jason DeHart explores that question and concludes (no surprise) that the answer is both. See his suggestions for paired titles that will appeal to middle grades readers.

Explore Nontraditional Fantasy Novels with Kids

Kasey Short shows how nontraditional fantasy books can be used to address difficult topics, provide real world commentary, counter stereotypes, allow students to see kids that look like them as heroes, and inspire new ways of thinking and imagining. Lots of titles included!

Book Talk Videos Let Peers Encourage Peers

“Ultimately book talk videos recorded by peers are beneficial if we want to inspire middle grades reluctant readers. They need to witness peers having fun with books. It nurtures the idea that reading is worth a try.” School librarian Kristen Day shares how her “EGGs” are doing it.