Category: Teaching Practice
In her new book Teaching in High Gear, middle school teacher Marsha Ratzel describes a transformational journey, marked by a gradual shift toward student-driven learning and energized by a global network of collaborators. In this excerpt, Marsha describes how her development of a “coaching mode” helped students become more self-reliant learners.
Middle school advocates have long championed thematic curriculum design & project learning. Now is the time to actually do it, say Nancy Doda & Mark Springer.
Veteran music educator Nancy Flanagan shares the story of how a “solid bar band” taught her to be a better teacher by immersing her in the rhythm and flow.
The teaching landscape has changed since Marsha Ratzel put students in charge of learning. They are stronger, more confident and willing to do the hard stuff.
What can our students possibly learn if we only give them easy tasks? How can we motivate them to accept a challenge if they doubt their own ability?