Category: Heart of the School

Sustainable Self-Care for Funny Educator People

How do teachers recharge regularly? Rather than mediation and exercise, Rita Platt finds what works for her is getting a daily dose of “gut-busting laughter.” And guess what? Laughing as self-care is a scientifically proven strategy! She offers laugh inducing resources.

When Values and Mission Guide Your Decisions

Being mindful of what is driving the decisions we make as educators is valuable. A good place to start is by defining our own core values. New principal Rita Platt shares a method for distilling those values and tells how she applied hers to several school decisions.

10 Tips to Maintain Positive Student Behavior

With the “let’s be nice” novelty of the first weeks of school fading, you’re tired and the kids are restless. It may be time to refresh your systems for maintaining positive behavior. Discover ways to overcome the challenges of DEVOLSON in Rita Platt’s resource-rich post.

10 Books to Keep Us at the Top of Our Game

As a strong believer in teacher as learner, Rita Platt returns to some books again and again – books that continue to guide her work though she may have first read them 20 years ago. With the new school year underway, she shares her 10 most impactful education books.

3 Times I Didn’t Lose My End-of-Year Cool!

As the school year winds down and heightened emotions proliferate, it’s easy for teachers to lose their cool. Student (and parent) behavior that would have been met with patience earlier suddenly ratchets up teacher frustrations. Rita Platt shares her coping strategies – laughter included!