Category: Book Reviews

Professional books reviewed by educators

Playful Proofreading to Boost Writing Skills

A Sentence a Day is a powerful, engaging resource for writing instruction that goes beyond typical grammar and sentence-writing exercises. The 20-minute mini-lessons help students develop stronger writing skills with clarity, precision, and creativity, says Kathie Palmieri.

A Comprehensive Guide for Reading Instruction

In Teaching Reading Across the Day, Jennifer Serravallo’s blend of theory, research and engaging, explicit practice offers a roadmap for creating a classroom where reading is a central, dynamic component of the learning experience across subject areas, writes Melinda Stewart.

Leadership Strategies to Build Teacher Morale

“Improving Teacher Morale and Motivation” by Ronald Williamson and Barbara Blackburn provides school leaders with key strategies for directly addressing teacher morale and effectiveness. Systems coach Matt Renwick reflects on three of the book’s valuable principles.

How We Can Become Better Writing Teachers

Anderson and Glover have authored a helpful, easy-to-follow book, writes veteran teacher Elisa Waingort-Jiménez. Their eight strategies center on specific craft and genre moves that will help teachers become better writers as they help students develop their own skills.

Math Projects to Engage Gifted Middle Graders

In his collection of six real-world math projects, Mark Hess provides supporting materials and decreases prep time for otherwise complex undertakings, making the book a win for Gr. 4-5 students and teachers. Included: detailed images, student examples, handouts and teacher guides.

Create the School Your Students Deserve

With its tools, approaches and ideas that can work in any school, Turning It Around by Todd Whitaker and award-winning principal Courtney Monterecy is a valuable addition to the literature on school improvement, writes former principal and leadership expert Dr. Ron Williamson.