Category: Book Reviews

Ten Principles of Artful Read-Alouds

In addition to offering how-to’s on presenting read-alouds, Rebecca Bellingham shares extensive resources for taking students beyond hearing a story to understanding the story and learning how to share their reactions. Sixth grade teacher Jeny Randall finds lots to use.

Rough Draft Math: Revising to Learn

Self-confidence is hugely important in learning math. Amanda Jansen shows how teachers can help students embrace a “revising to learn” approach, gaining confidence and understanding. Teacher Michael Hernandez says the book will help him create a safe space to make mistakes and grow.

Delivering Actionable Feedback to Students

Discover how to create actionable feedback for your students and teach them true self-assessment as you transform your role from evaluator to coach. Teacher leader Laura Von Staden “definitely” recommends this step-by-step guide to shifting from a focus on scores and grades to a focus on learning and mastery.

Rethinking Equitable and Inclusive Classrooms

As a future educator with the dream of having an inclusive classroom for ALL students, Esther Vences found Your Students, My Students, Our Students an essential tool for reimagining schools by implementing the authors’ five recommended disruptions to the status quo.

Your First Year Teaching Gifted Learners

Kari Lockhart’s What to Expect When You’re Expected to Teach Gifted Students touches on two key elements: how to identify gifted students and how to work with their parents. Kolby Wagner expects to find the author’s strategies for co-teaching and parent engagement helpful.

Designing Classrooms for Flexible Learning

The limitations of funding, square footage, and time can make classroom design a daunting task, writes reviewer Eileen Hornbostel. To meet those challenges, Jessica Martin offers Strategic Classroom Design, a detailed guide to creating effective learning environments.