Category: Book Reviews

A PD Pathway That Elevates Teacher Voice

Personalized Professional Learning: A Job-Embedded Pathway for Elevating Teacher Voice is a must read for school leaders especially but also for anyone who plans and facilitates professional learning, writes Amy Whitehead, a member of her district’s PD facilitation team.

Ideas to Strengthen Narrative Writing Units

This year with help from the ideas illustrated in (re)Designing Narrative Writing Units, ELA teacher and coach Rebecca Crockett has faith that her 7th and 9th grade students will know what good narrative writing looks like and produce some quality writing of their own.

Content Area Literacy Strategies That Work

Jordan Walker-Reyes recommends Lori Wilfong’s Content Area Literacy Strategies That Work to all literacy coaches and facilitators, ESL teachers, and content area teachers who want to grow students’ content area knowledge while also increasing their literacy skills.

Teaching Gifted Kids in Today’s Classrooms

Gifted students are often the forgotten portion of the special education spectrum. To remedy the problem, gifted and special educator Laura Von Staden highly recommends this book full of valuable information and insight, written in a concise, user-friendly format.

How Leaders Cultivate Positive Schools

Steve Gruenert and Todd Whitaker have added to their series of books on school culture with this practical, readable and well-researched work that speaks of the commitment to creating and sustaining a positive learning environment, writes school leader Jack Ferrante.

Creating a Culture for Math Success

Follow along as Nicki Newton and Janet Nuzzie join educators in “mathematizing” their Texas district – developing math lovers and a common math language at the district, staff, campus, classroom and student level. Middle school teacher Dena Hause found lots of resources!

Writing Workshop for 21st Century Students

Class environment, student attitude toward writing, student choice, and teachers who write with kids are overarching themes that help to make Welcome to Writing Workshop a good resource for creating a productive writing program, says 5th grade teacher Kathleen Palmieri.

Fostering Creativity and Innovation in Class

Jonathan Plucker’s book is for teachers and administrators who want to extend their understanding of creativity beyond the surface level and to rethink how their schools can better support their students as creative thinkers, writes teacher Claire Reddig.

A Workshop Model for Science, Social Studies

The workshop model moves beyond literacy in Inquiry Illuminated. The authors present science and social studies in a workshop framework, engaging students from research to presentation. Literacy specialist Andrea Doyon recommends the detailed book to teachers and districts.

Develop Habits of Mind in Young Scientists

Thinking Like a Scientist provides strategies to encourage students to explore and understand how scientists approach problems, investigations and research. The detailed lessons can be used in grades 5-8, writes educator and former research scientist Laura Von Staden.