Category: Book Reviews

A Workshop Model for Science, Social Studies

The workshop model moves beyond literacy in Inquiry Illuminated. The authors present science and social studies in a workshop framework, engaging students from research to presentation. Literacy specialist Andrea Doyon recommends the detailed book to teachers and districts.

Develop Habits of Mind in Young Scientists

Thinking Like a Scientist provides strategies to encourage students to explore and understand how scientists approach problems, investigations and research. The detailed lessons can be used in grades 5-8, writes educator and former research scientist Laura Von Staden.

Cultivating a School Culture of Effort and Joy

Rita Platt’s Working Hard, Working Happy is a quick read, with many useful ideas about creating a learning culture in your classroom and school. Any teacher who wants students filled with joy and self-motivation needs to read this practical book, writes Kimberly Higgins.

Use Visual Texts to Help Reading Comprehension

By using visual texts, The Art of Comprehension provides a way for nonreaders and striving readers to participate in the same rich, authentic thinking tasks that their reading classmates are doing, even if they have difficulty decoding written words, writes Pam Hamilton.

The How and Why of Dual Language Programs

The 2nd edition of “Dual Language Essentials” shows how dual language programs promote academic development, mastery of two languages, and cross-cultural understanding. Teacher Jacqueline Barreras is already adding its extensive resources to her planning for the year.

Helping Students with Mental Challenges

From the classroom to the whole school, Dr. Myles Cooley’s revised Practical Guide for Mental Health and Learning Disorders will help new and veteran educators understand specific student challenges and support kids affected by them, writes educator Elizabeth OBrien.

A Year of Literacy Lessons for Grades 3-5

Literacy Strong All Year Long: Powerful Lessons for Grades 3-5 is crammed with so many literacy ideas and resources that you will want to try each one, writes teacher educator Linda Biondi. She predicts that it will be a “go to” book for the rest of your teaching life.