Category: Book Reviews

Leading Growth Mindset Schools and Districts

Librarian and NBCT Amy Klein teaches in a growth mindset school and finds Creating a Growth Mindset School by Mary Cay Ricci a perfect book for administrators who want to better understand how growth mindset works, how to establish such a school, and how to sustain it.

Practical Tools for RTI and MTSS Classrooms

To help students with special needs succeed, Blackburn and Witzel explain how rigor, RTI and MTSS can go hand in hand. The authors detail how RTI’s tiered interventions work with MTSS’s focus on core instruction for all students, writes doctoral student Bryndle Bottoms.

Building Comprehension Using Leveled Texts

Jennifer Serravallo’s new book will help teachers become more cognizant of their students’ literacy needs and better prepared to meet those needs effectively. Reviewer and preservice coach Linda Biondi praises Serravallo’s student-centered approach to book leveling.

Frameworks Jump-Start Your Students’ Writing

Students can become thriving writers using the 27 frameworks included in this book. The lessons provide learning about language, learning through language, and using language to learn about self. Literacy coach Pam Hamilton highly recommends the “so, so practical” book.

Debunking Myths About How the Brain Learns

Neuromyths serves as an important reference for teachers who want to sort through competing claims before jumping on the brain-based bandwagon, writes teacher Mary K. Marsh. The book provokes teachers into questioning what really makes an approach neurologically based.

Share Your Education Expertise with the World

Sharing Your Education Expertise with the World helps educators contribute their professional know-how to the larger education community. NBCT Rita Platt reports it is packed with great tips and resources for educators to widen spheres of influence and accelerate careers.

Helping Visual-Spatial Learners Be Successful

In the 2nd edition of Visual-Spatial Learners, Alexandra Shires Golon looks at the needs of these often bright but disengaged students. Golon explains the brain science underlying student learning and offers extensive tools for differentiation, says teacher Joanne Bell.

A Guide to Becoming a Master Teacher

Teacher Kathleen Palmieri strongly recommends the 2nd edition of Robyn Jackson’s book on the principles of mastery teaching, noting updated information, new tools and fresh topics that reflect Jackson’s own decade of learning. Included: a mastery self-assessment.

Helping Students Who Do Poorly on Purpose

Doing Poorly on Purpose by G&T specialist Dr. James Delisle explores how to help smart students who do poorly in school. Many of the ideas can be effective with any student, says teacher Elizabeth OBrien. Strategies include reaching underachievers and “selective customers.”