Category: Book Reviews

Achieving More Depth of Knowledge in Literacy

Reading, Writing, Rigor by Nancy Boyles offers practical tools to increase student learning in reading and writing. Boyles packs 199 pages with information, including numerous resources, strategies, and techniques to support teachers, writes consultant Anne Anderson.

50 Best Practices for Classroom Management

Serena Pariser’s book offers best practices for creating a classroom community where the teacher is respected, students are valued and engaged, and isolation is reduced. Like chatting with a colleague who has funny stories and great advice to share, writes Stacy Thorpe.

The Art of Reaching and Engaging Every Reader

Igniting passion in someone, especially an adolescent, is no small task. Throughout Passionate Readers Pernille Ripp takes on the task of describing how we might create conditions in which students feel a deep interest and desire to read, writes educator Claire Stein.

Adding Digital Strategies to Literacy Coaching

Reading Stephanie Affinito’s Literacy Coaching can benefit classroom teachers as well as literacy coaches, writes educator Kathleen Palmieri. In addition to covering learning communities, PD, and collaboration, the book offers extensive digital resources to boost student learning.

Invigorating Our Teaching of Writing and Revision

Ruth Culham’s Teach Writing Well is practical and goes step-by-step through incorporating writing traits into any classroom writing program while undergirding practice with a sense of exuberance and discovery. Reviewer Sarah Cooper can’t wait for fall to try Culham’s ideas.

A Look Inside Two Star Teachers’ Classrooms

In 180 Days Kelly Gallagher and Penny Kittle encourage teachers to meet “hidden standards” focusing on engagement in reading and writing via standards accessed through choice, relevance, and classroom culture. Educator Amy Estersohn finds some elements missing.

Literacy Activities That Students Do (Not You!)

Nancy Akhavan encourages teachers to push away from assigned passages with worksheets that require canned responses, and instead promote more freedom in student thinking, and more reflection about their connection to the reading and writing going on in their classroom.

Effective Assessment for Improved Learning

Glen Pearsall’s Fast and Effective Assessment focuses on making life easier for teachers while improving students’ learning and understanding, writes consultant Anne Anderson. Pearsall includes lots of ideas and efficient tools to create feedback that benefits students.