Category: Book Reviews

Active Strategies for Inclusive Classrooms

In the 2nd edition of Joyful Learning, Alice Udvari-Solner and Paula Kluth provide a great resource to promote teacher collaboration and move inclusion classrooms beyond the superficial and toward more meaningful engagement of every student, says Erin Corrigan-Smith.

Challenging Learning Through Real Dialogue

Noting that high quality classroom discussion fosters content learning and critical thinking, social studies teacher Michael Yell reports that Challenging Learning through Dialogue is a powerful resource to help make middle grades discussion more thoughtful, engaging, and real.

A Guide to Multi-Tier Systems of Support

Catherine Collier’s strategies for building a multi-tier system of support (MTSS) fit into the planning, implementation, and monitoring of interventions to meet the needs of all students. Educator Rita Platt finds the RTI-focused book a useful addition to teachers’ resource shelf.

Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Tangles

As the girls (and other kids) in your classes navigate the complicated, often contradictory messages our society sends as they grow from children into independent adults, they will appreciate the kinds of support “Untangled” will enable you to offer, says Bill Ivey.

Infusing Pop Culture into Literacy Learning

In Making Curriculum Pop, Pam Goble and Ryan Goble have done exactly what harried teachers need most: provided a raft of templates for student work as well as grounded the notions of textual exploration in proven research and thoughtful theory, says Kevin Hodgson.

Quality Feedback Begins with Good Assessment

Challenging Learning Through Feedback is an inspiring book that links feedback to a strong, ongoing classroom assessment process. Thanks to the authors, says teacher-librarian Rita Platt, the quality of her own formative assessments and feedback has improved.

Why Talk About Mistakes in Math Class?

Why talk about mistakes in math class? Nancy C. Anderson has the answer in her book “What’s Right About Wrong Answers.” Resource teacher Kimberly Mueller says Anderson’s activities can help students learn how to analyze their mistakes and develop a growth mindset.

Task Card Series Can Boost Reading Skills

K-8 literacy coach Amber Bartlein reports The 100 Task Card series is set to become a staple in the classrooms she works with, for use during small group instruction, intervention and enrichment time, or to provide quick, focused practice on a specific literacy skill.

Small Shifts Can Impact Learning in Big Ways

Laura Von Staden says Joy Kirr’s “Shift This!” is a must read for all teachers, full of actionable strategies, the research and reasons to implement them, and the steps and support to transform your teaching to reach every student with the maximum impact possible.