Category: Teaching Insights

Solving Challenges Teachers Face Now

Discover solutions to common class and school challenges in Education Write Now, Volume III, which brings together the expertise of ten writers. It’s a perfect book for right now as teachers deal with extra stress and search for quick and effective solutions, writes Linda Biondi.

Fiction: “Adequate Yearly Progress” Is a Hoot

Reading NBCT Roxanna Elden’s novel chronicling the trials and tribulations of educators at fictional Brae Hill Valley HS made Rita Platt laugh. A lot. While Elden reveals the often “dark heart” of reform, she also captures the small everyday successes that keep us going.

Elements of Education for Every Educator

The Elements of Education for Teachers offers 100 pages jam-packed with easily accessible, well vetted pedagogies and practices. Each of the 50 elements is presented in a crisp two-page format. Teacher Diane Kaplan has selected several strategies to implement right away.

A Workshop Model for Science, Social Studies

The workshop model moves beyond literacy in Inquiry Illuminated. The authors present science and social studies in a workshop framework, engaging students from research to presentation. Literacy specialist Andrea Doyon recommends the detailed book to teachers and districts.

56 Essential Truths for Effective Teaching

Danny Steele and Todd Whitaker have done an impressive job recognizing and explaining 56 Essential Truths to help teachers be the best they can be for students, writes school leader Doug Dunn. The 99-page book works as a quick read or a source for daily inspiration.