Category: STEM By Design

Anne Jolly’s blog

New to STEM Teaching? Five Things to Do First

Whether you’re a recent teacher ed graduate, newly emergency certified, or an experienced teacher who’s suddenly learned you’ll be teaching STEM this year, you’re in good hands with veteran STEM teacher and curriculum designer Anne Jolly. Here are her five “do this first” tips.

Why Industry Leaders Value STEM Educators

Anne Jolly is thankful for so many remarkable STEM educators – willing to step out and try new cutting-edge ideas and practices, take risks, and educate kids in ways that grow skills, knowledge and leadership. Jolly explains why industry respects STEM teachers and students too.

Opening the Doors to Girls’ STEM Success

We have a severe shortage of tech workers that’s growing geometrically. Today, women make up just 27% of people in STEM careers. How do we finally get girls fully engaged in STEM? Anne Jolly shares a series of questions and tips that can guide STEM teachers and school leaders.

Matching Digital Tools to a Range of STEM Skills

As the world becomes increasingly digital, teachers want their STEM students to be comfortable using technology and digital tools skillfully and with purpose. STEM curriculum expert Anne Jolly identifies five specific STEM skill sets and relates them to dozens of current apps.