Category: STEM By Design

Building a Foundation with Elementary STEM

STEM learning can open up new worlds for elementary kids as it grows problem solving and teamwork skills – all the while building a foundation for the middle grades. Anne Jolly provides elementary teachers with ideas and resources to begin integrated STEM.

Teaching Ethics Should Be a STEM Essential

As working adults, our kids will deal with dilemmas involving wholesome food, cloning, climate change, drones, clean water, availability of medicines, genetic testing, and more. Is STEM study preparing students to make decisions that meet ethical standards?

Turn Up Your STEM Power This Year

Ready to power up your STEM instruction? STEM by Design blogger Anne Jolly will get you up to date with a collection of her posts on NGSS, Career and Tech Ed, math in STEM, and assessment insights. Joining her are veteran educators Marsha Ratzel and Susan Pruet.

Before You Lead That STEM Lesson…

The new school year is on the horizon and STEM teachers are going to be caught up in the whirlwind of preparation before Day One. As you prepare to engage students in exciting STEM lessons, Anne Jolly offers 5 lesson principles to keep in the forefront.

Plan Now to Assess STEM Learning This Fall

Quick, ongoing classroom assessments of STEM learning can give teachers the timely information they need to keep lessons on track and be sure students are developing the skills to solve real-world STEM problems. Anne Jolly shares lots of assessment ideas.

Reinvent Summer Learning: Make It Up!

STEM by Design blogger Anne Jolly knows summer time can be productive learning time. In this letter to parents and caregivers, she shares fun ideas about Maker projects that encourage curiosity, creativity, persistence and teamwork. Resource links included.

STEM Is Not a Threat to a Liberal Education

Op-ed columnists often spread misconceptions about STEM education, says expert Anne Jolly. An article by Fareed Zakaria claims STEM is threatening the future of liberal education, but Jolly says good STEM programs can actually address several of Zakaria’s concerns.