Category: STEM Teacher Development
In the 1970s Anne Jolly took a break from science research to spend a year teaching middle school. How hard could it be? A lifetime later, she shares her story of continuous professional growth as she learned to engage her “mysterious, amazing” students in true STEM learning.
Anne Jolly deeply believes that well-informed and skilled teacher leaders are the most valuable assets we have at all levels. In the STEM education arena, teacher leaders are particularly crucial. How to provide leadership? She fills in the picture.
How should the next generation of STEM teachers be prepared? Anne Jolly reports on the innovative UABTeach program at the University of Alabama Birmingham where undergrads can earn full teacher certification plus a math, science or engineering degree. What’s your superpower?
The expectation among non-educators seems to be that if teachers would just do their jobs, the supply of STEM professionals would be more than adequate. Award winning science teacher and STEM curriculum consultant Anne Jolly finds this position naive, at best.
Your school wants to offer STEM classes to its students. How do you select teachers? And what professional development and other supports will teachers need to successfully involve students and facilitate projects? STEM expert Anne Jolly shares ideas.
Create and support effective STEM teacher learning teams as “first and fast” as you can, says STEM educator and MidddleWeb blogger Anne Jolly.
Like to hear from a PD expert who has spent a decade successfully preparing science and math educators for STEM teaching? Just click “learn more” below!