Category: Student Innovation
We can spark student interest in STEM studies and careers with stories of middle school-aged inventors who gained the world’s attention by solving a real problem. STEM author and curriculum expert Anne Jolly tells the story of eight such kids. Editable student handout included!
Shifting our STEM teaching approach to align with current workforce needs means broadening our thinking about the design process, writes Anne Jolly. That includes helping students work together to build the skills of empathy and creativity that lead to innovative solutions.
What motivates teens to innovate in STEM? Anne Jolly researches the background of young inventors who are making a difference for our 21st century lives and identifies some common experiences that helped them be successful, including the support of teachers.
Innovative thinking can be taught, says science educator Anne Jolly. She shares five interrelated strategies to overcome fear of failure and spark exploration in STEM class, including creating a safe space for learning, promoting risk-taking, building effective teams, and more.