126 Search results

For the term "february-anma.shop".

Strategies to Integrate Science and Literacy

Grounded in research, teacher experience, and purposeful techniques, Reading Science will help educators guide students to scientific literacy. Linda Biondi says the book would make an excellent group study for disciplinary teams focused on academic literacy.

Get Organized: Max Out Your Contacts App

Make the most of your digital Contacts app. In Part 3 of a productivity series for school leaders, organization consultant and former principal Frank Buck explains how to maximize such useful resources as contact notes, special ringtones, syncing, and more.

The Super Bowl That Is My Classroom

4th grade teacher and NFL fan Mary Tarashuk has been watching lots of football lately, prepping for the Super Bowl. Given her love of metaphors, it’s no surprise she finds some analogies between quarterbacks and teachers running plays in their classroom arenas.

Fun Virtual Field Trips to Try This Winter

No funding for field trips? Concerns about travel safety? Consider taking your students on a virtual adventure instead. Teacher-authors Billy Krakower, Jerry Blumengarten, and Paula Naugle share four of their favorites and offer plenty of other ideas!

Teaching Ethics Should Be a STEM Essential

As working adults, our kids will deal with dilemmas involving wholesome food, cloning, climate change, drones, clean water, availability of medicines, genetic testing, and more. Is STEM study preparing students to make decisions that meet ethical standards?

School Leaders: Gain from the ‘October Oasis’

As a school leader, consultant Frank Buck’s experience was that “if I wanted to launch something new, re-tool something old, or do some course correction, October was my best shot.” Here, Buck suggests several organizational ideas to pursue during the October Oasis.

Media Literacy: The POTUS Primary Debates

Plans for Republican and Democratic primary debates are well underway. Media literacy expert Frank W. Baker is ready with guidelines for engaging students in classroom research and discussion. Baker’s first focus: the very crowded GOP debates scheduled for this fall.

Four Tools to Help Gamify Your Classroom

The first step toward gamifying your classroom can be as simple as taking the “ew” out of “review” with these helpful game-oriented apps, selected and described by tech integration expert Curtis Chandler. Included: Quizizz, Kahoot, Classcraft and Class Dojo.