735 Search results

For the term "www.hdwgs.fun".

Make AI Work for You as You Prep for Fall

Kathie Palmieri shows how the ChatGPT tool can help launch the new school year with content activities, introductory letters, and more. She also includes tips for using generative AI software to batch-plan lessons for a quarter, trimester, or even designing a year-long plan.

10 Snapshots of Effective Middle School Teams

Over 40 years of research on successful middle schools has verified the amazing benefits for students of interdisciplinary teacher teaming. Author, consultant and middle level evangelist Jack Berckemeyer offers 10 snapshots that define the characteristics of effective teams.

How UDL Can Help Us Elevate Our CoTeaching

The reality of teaching in a co-teacher role was sometimes a rough ride, writes author and co-teaching coach Elizabeth Stein. Three things helped keep her strong, and one of them proved to be the key to solving all her co-teaching puzzles: the Universal Design for Learning.

13 Exciting New Titles for Your Classroom Library

Need fresh titles for your classroom library? ELA teacher Kasey Short shares 13 new books that are sure to resonate with middle graders. These relatable stories offer diverse perspectives and themes that authentically capture the experiences and challenges of today’s students.

Using Poetry Pauses to Elevate Student Writing

Poetry “pauses” can become the heart and soul of English class AND address almost any reading and writing standard. Teacher-author Brett Vogelsinger shares three examples – poems that can help students extend their understanding of structure, character and personal narrative.

Infuse Your Classroom with Meaning and Fun

To infuse classrooms with meaning, relevance and lots of fun, Stephanie Farley suggests ways to keep teaching student-centered: develop essential questions, make connections, and assess for learning not just grading. A super summer read, writes consultant Cathy Gassenheimer

Coaching Math Teachers in Collaborative Teams

As math coaches and other instructional leaders begin to think about the upcoming school year, they may want to consider Nicora Placa’s teacher team-building activity. It sets the foundation for a successful year of learning collaboratively and improving student group work.