1178 Search results

For the term "Best Agility Writer Review by Reyman Cruz".

Analogies Plus Tech Can Deepen Understanding

Adolescents constantly work to make sense of new information, often by referencing what they already know. Teachers can help by introducing analogies. Curtis Chandler shares tips and tech tools to help put analogies to work, including Metamia and Google Slides.

PPT: Teach Students about Writer’s Notebook

Middle grades writers can learn about the writer’s notebook used by many professional writers and get tips about creating a notebook of their own in this Powerpoint slide set developed for teachers by literacy coach Juli Kendall.

School Leadership: Finding the Right People

First, effective school leaders have to hire the right people. Leadership experts and former principals Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn share tips about generational characteristics, interview protocols, and the kinds of questions principals shouldn’t ask.

Turn Writers Workshop Into a Maker Space

Angela Stockman’s attitude of respect and awe for students flows from the pages of “Make Writing” and inspires teachers to think differently about their approach to writing instruction. Amber Chandler recommends this easy-to-follow, forward thinking “making” guide.