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Get Elbow Deep in Maker Learning Fun

In The Invent to Learn Guide to Fun Josh Burker situates the Constructivist theories of active learning within the playful exploration and creation of the Maker’s Movement while also providing detailed guides for intriguing projects, says reviewer Kevin Hodgson.

Teachers Really Need to Work with Families

Relationships are built when children know that caring adults are on their side. If teachers team up with parents and families, they can help create success for even the most difficult students. Amber Chandler shares the strategies that work in her MS classroom.

Making Our Classrooms More Playful and Fun

School technology coach Josh Burker offers eight reasons why classroom making is not only playful and fun but also an effective strategy to build organizational, problem-solving and leadership skills. Included: A MaKey MaKey musical instruments project.

Tools to Bring the World to Your Classroom

Homa Sabet Tavangar and Becky Mladic-Morales have created the ideal global education toolkit for any teacher, K-12, to bring the world into their classroom. The resource packed book is well written and easy to navigate, says 5th grade teacher Jennifer Druffel.

Use Number Talks to Boost Math Reasoning

Many students don’t expect math to make sense and learn to disengage their reasoning and even distrust it. Teacher-experts Cathy Humphreys & Ruth Parker highlight an 8-step “Number Talks” process that can promote deeper discussions about how numbers work.

Number Talks Will Deepen Understanding

Making Number Talks Matter guides teachers in implementing frequent 15-minute conversations that help students make sense of math relationships and apply strategies to manipulate numbers mentally. Reviewer Jennifer Druffel is planning Number Talks in her classroom next year.

Understanding How Kids Think about Math

Math teachers wondering how their students came up with wrong answers will find lots to use in Children’s Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction. Videoed children explain their solutions and so reveal teaching insights, says reviewer Maia Fastabend.