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What Kids Can Tell Us About Engagement

Drawing on her national survey of 1500 students, Heather Wolpert-Gawron’s “Just Ask Us” brings their voices to the challenges of engagement. Adding teacher interviews and research, she offers a strategy-filled resource that belongs in every teacher’s hands, says David Bever.

Here’s How to Keep a STEM Lesson on Track

How can teachers help students become deep thinkers and creative problem solvers – skills needed to solve the pressing challenges facing global societies? STEM provides a pathway. Expert Anne Jolly poses 11 questions that can help teachers design effective STEM lessons.

10 Ways to Build the Trust Kids Need to Learn

It’s difficult to learn from someone we don’t trust, writes literacy consultant Regie Routman. Bonding with individual students and their families builds that trust. Routman offers 10 ways to make sure that none of our students ever become “mostly silent and unseen.”

Media Literacy: Learning from the Oscars

It’s Oscar season and media literacy consultant Frank W. Baker has ideas about leveraging student interest in movies to teach visual literacy skills and learn about cool careers. Lots of resources, including teacher tools at the Oscars website.

Simple Self-Care Strategies for Teachers

Mindfulness, teacher self-care, and increased job satisfaction for teachers are currently hot topics. Teacher librarian Rita Platt finds Lisa J. Lucas’ helpful book, Practicing Presence, a welcome addition to the conversation about Social Emotional Learning for educators.

Executive Function Is Key to Student Achievement

Executive function is the missing link to student achievement, author Nancy Sulla says. If students don’t develop the brain-based skills to focus, catch and correct errors, and identify cause-and-effect relationships, they can’t make sense of even the best lessons.

3 Ways to Encourage Shared Teacher Learning

Ongoing shared professional learning helps bolster teachers’ willingness to embrace change and collaborate. Barbara Blackburn and Ron Williamson highlight three targeted activities: learning walks, lesson studies, and a strategy to develop consistent expectations.