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Inspire Student Writers & Poets

Lynne R. Dorfman and Rose Cappelli, the co-authors of Poetry Mentor Texts: Making Reading and Writing Connections, K-8, have provided another “must have” resource for teachers of all disciplines – even poetry haters – says reviewer Linda Biondi.

Climbing Reading Ladders

Teacher Mark A. Domeier likes the concept behind Teri Lesesne’s reading ladders in Reading Ladders: Leading Students from Where They Are to Where We’d Like Them to Be, but he says they’ll have to be adapted to the realities of middle school class size.

Amazing STEM Jobs

Along with familiar STEM career choices like mechanical engineer and computer systems analyst, Anne Jolly is discovering some intriguing specialty jobs!

The Why and How of STEM

How to turn science, tech, engineering & math into problem- & project-based activities that simulate real-world R&D? Find the basics & the practice here.

Belonging in the Middle Grades

When students feel they “belong” in school, they are more likely to thrive academically, socially & emotionally, says veteran teacher turned teacher educator Amanda Wall. She details actions that middle level schools can take to assure students are supported, including quality Advisory programs.