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How We Can Make Research Matter to Kids

Teachers don’t set out to bore students to death with fact-filled research projects. They want assignments where students *do something* with their facts. In her story about ‘Drew,’ former New Hampshire TOY Angie Miller provides the insight we need to spark their critical thinking and creativity.

Our Students’ Questions Should Be a Top Priority

Kids are always posing questions as they grow, but research shows that when they enter school, it’s mostly teachers doing the asking. Teacher educator Molly Ness offers six ideas for promoting questioning in our classrooms and letting student curiosity drive learning.

Engage All Learners in the Essentials of Literacy

In Literacy Essentials, Regie Routman delivers a thoughtful and thought-provoking book that will challenge and inspire educators on their professional journeys as they seek to provide empowering instruction to all their learners, writes literacy coach Pam Hamilton.

Rethinking Revision: The Real Work of Writing

Teaching students to eagerly revise their first drafts is “the Mt. Everest of writing instruction,” says renowned author Ruth Culham. The originator of the 6+1 Writing Traits program argues convincingly that revision must be the primary focus of the writing curriculum.

7 Ways to Help Students Self Assess Effectively

Although our assessment of students is critical to learning, we also want students to learn to assess themselves, writes teaching consultant Barbara Blackburn. Encouraging students to take measures of their own progress is both more rigorous and more empowering.

How Ordinary Kids Can Be Extraordinary Citizens

How can you support your middle schoolers in peaceful and productive advocacy for equity and social justice? EL Education’s Anne Vilen shares the courageous story of immigrant Atak Natali to show how supportive teachers can help students come together to work for justice.

Using Pop Culture to Teach Media Literacy

One way to reach and connect with today’s adolescents is to bring their pop culture into the classroom. Fads and favorites can be hooks to boost media literacy – from a hip-hop song to a clip from a popular TV show, a trending commercial or snippet from a current movie.