1178 Search results

For the term "Best Agility Writer Review by Reyman Cruz".

10 Surefire Ideas to Remove Writing Roadblocks

Literacy expert Regie Routman takes teachers for a ride and demonstrates how to avoid roadblocks that make writing less than doable, effective and gratifying. The destination? Classrooms where students routinely write to think, problem solve, create and explore.

All About Rubrics

In this Resource Roundup we’ve pulled together a selection of classic and contemporary resources about the effective use of rubrics in the classroom. Follow the links and discover many examples of rubrics, devised for a variety of purposes.

Time for a Quick Midyear STEM Checkup

The midpoint of the school year is a great time for STEM educators to do a quick program checkup, says curriculum expert Anne Jolly. She offers five STEM progress indicators that can help teachers identify examples of success and any needed adjustments.

Modeling Transforms the Writing Classroom

Write This Way: How Modeling Transforms the Writing Classroom is a teacher-friendly guide to implementing modeling as a fundamental part of each step of the writing process. Teacher Jennifer Floyd says Kelly Boswell’s book clarifies modeling, interactive writing, and shared writing.

Math Workshop in Action: Strategies for Gr K-5

Nicki Newton’s comprehensive book guides educators through setting up a Math Workshop, beginning with creating a community of learners in a math-rich classroom. Linda Biondi likes her “practical and specific ways to become the math teacher you always wanted to be.”

Some Old-School Ideas for Today’s Classrooms

A class full of middle schoolers are ready to learn. But supplies are low, technology is sparse, and you have already spent too much of your own money for the classroom. Educational consultant Anne Anderson repurposes 3 classroom staples you’re sure to have.