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For the term "Headlines Videos cleantalkorg2.ru Breaking News world news Breaking News world news Breaking News national and world news".

Diverse Books Help Kids Discover Social Justice

When teachers choose literature that widens the lens on life, students discover how to reach beyond their experiences, reading between the lines, walking in others’ shoes, breaking down walls, and realizing they can act to affect the world, says teacher Bridget Suvansri.

A Helpful Guide to Coaching in Schools

John Campbell and Christian van Nieuwerburgh look at four broad areas of formal and informal coaching: student success and well-being, educational leadership, professional practice, and community engagement. A helpful, quick read, says teacher and mentor Alex Valencic.

What STEM Actually Is: A Zakaria Rebuttal

It’s scary to think how much misinformation about STEM one famous individual can put out, and how many people might be misled, writes author-consultant Anne Jolly, who critiques the STEM comments of WaPo columnist and CNN host Fareed Zakaria in a recent PCMag article.

Why Media Literacy Week Matters So Much

With slanted news, social media and “reality” TV ceaselessly attracting the attention of young people, literacy consultant Frank W. Baker underscores the importance of Media Literacy Week, urging all educators to teach students how to analyze media “as text.”

Here’s How You Can Help Students Set Goals

Educators talk about giving students “voice, choice and agency,” says NBCT Rita Platt, but how does that actually happen in a practical, curriculum-friendly way? Platt believes the secret is teaching students to set goals. Learn about her 5-step process (tools included).

10 Easy Class Hacks Boost PBL and Inquiry

Hacking Project Based Learning is a rich resource for teachers and administrators who want to begin implementing project-oriented inquiry learning, says PBL teacher Sandy Wisneski. She appreciates the strong emphasis on student ownership in each of the book’s 10 hacks.

When Staying Nonpartisan Feels Just Too Difficult

Regardless of where educators land politically, it can sometimes feel like tiptoeing through a minefield to facilitate a balanced discussion of current events, writes teacher Sarah Cooper. Are there times when it’s appropriate for teachers to reveal their own views?