1178 Search results

For the term "Best Agility Writer Review by Reyman Cruz".

Exploring Memoir Writing with Adolescents

Jake Wizner has done what few teachers would ever attempt – teach memoir writing to eighth graders. Reviewer Mary Langer Thompson admires the book for its use of models and plentiful prompts, Wizner’s ability to relate reading to writing, and his call for teachers to write too.

Bring Word Nerdiness to the Middle Level

A multitude of authentic classroom examples and strategies make “Vocabularians” a must-have book, says ELA teacher and word nerd Amber Chandler. Author Brenda Overturf also provides realistic ways to bring schoolwide vocabulary immersion to the middle grades.

Why Argument Writing Is Important to Teach

Knowing how to respond to counterclaims while developing their own claims in argumentative writing helps students in school and beyond. Educators Leslie Skantz-Hodgson and Jamilla Jones report on their summer studying “They Say/I Say” with teacher colleagues.

Practical Research Based Writing Strategies

Lori G. Wilfong knows how to write for teachers: concise, conversational and filled with practical ideas. In Writing Strategies That Work: Do This–Not That!, she presents current best practices for teachers of all grades and content areas, says Anne Anderson.

Blogging for Educators

Why blog? Starr Sackstein provides lots of reasons in her book, Blogging for Educators: Writing for Professional Learning. Sackstein also shows how to set up a blog. Reviewer Mary Langer Thompson recommends the book for teachers who can’t keep themselves from writing.

Media Literacy: The POTUS Primary Debates

Plans for Republican and Democratic primary debates are well underway. Media literacy expert Frank W. Baker is ready with guidelines for engaging students in classroom research and discussion. Baker’s first focus: the very crowded GOP debates scheduled for this fall.

Teachers Really Need to Work with Families

Relationships are built when children know that caring adults are on their side. If teachers team up with parents and families, they can help create success for even the most difficult students. Amber Chandler shares the strategies that work in her MS classroom.

Solutions to Writing Workshop Challenges

In The Unstoppable Writing Teacher, M. Colleen Cruz addresses issues that stop teachers from teaching writer’s workshop the way that they want. She tackles time, resources, families, curriculum and administration effectively, says reviewer Laura Von Staden.