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Writing and Reading with 50 Mentor Texts

In “Text Structures From the Masters,” educators Gretchen Bernabei and Jennifer Koppe did the hard work for English and social studies teachers of grades 6–10 when they collected 50 quality, nonfiction mentor texts and created an easy-to-follow lesson structure for each one.

In Search of More Student Voice & Agency

Bill Ivey, teacher and middle school dean at independent Stoneleigh-Burnham School for girls, is on a quest to increase the student voice, choice and agency in his 7th grade classroom. In this end-of-year reflection, Ivey shares some next steps he’s considering.

Ideas to Blend History and Current Events

Jody Passanisi, an eighth grade teacher and author of “History Class Revisited,” uses a three-step scaffolding process to help students raise their awareness between events currently taking place and the historical events they study in the social studies curriculum.

Explore These Easy to Use Teaching Tools

For teachers who like to grow their skills during the break, Curtis Chandler has a shortlist of online resources to check out – including nonfiction goldmines, video filters and easy production ideas, and simple apps to supercharge reports & projects. All free!

Media Literacy: Middle School Kids Love Parody

Adolescents have a strong attraction to parody, says media literacy expert Frank Baker. Luckily the Common Core includes parody as a genre worthy of study. Baker shares resources and ideas to involve middle graders in some fun as they learn important skills.

Expert Advice for Working with Complex Texts

Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey and Diane Lapp want teachers to use the ideas and advice in Text Complexity “to support every student in becoming more skilled at reading complex texts.” Anne Anderson reports their book will “stretch” both teachers and students!