1118 Search results

For the term "Lone Wolf City phone number 1-800-792-3367 Electrical service installations".

What Makes Kids Tick & Learn

Debbie Silver’s gift in Fall Down 7 Times Get Up 8: Teaching Kids to Succeed, says reviewer Julie Dermody, is not just informing readers about motivational research, but bringing all the research together for classroom use.

Energize ELLs

The understanding she gained from Reaching English Language Learners in Every Classroom: Energizers for Teaching and Learning by Debbie Arechiga will help reviewer Mary Churchill better prepare her pre-service teachers to work with ELL students.

Teaching Kids to Succeed

Debbie Silver’s book, Fall Down 7 Times, Get Up 8: Teaching Kids to Succeed, is “an ideal blend” of theory, common sense, research & humor about effective ways to help students succeed, says reviewer Susie Highley.