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This Personal Challenge Rejuvenated My Career

In a time of unprecedented teacher criticism, burnout, and flight, National Board Certification offers an opportunity for teachers to feel empowered and inspired, writes NBCT Marilyn Pryle. Best of all, the challenging, self-directed process helps good teachers become even better.

Tools to Help Students Lessen Memory Overload

With so many daily classes, the working memories of adolescents get overloaded. Their evolving brains have not yet developed fluent coping strategies. To teach students to handle all the inflow, two experts share UDL strategies that build executive function and self-regulation.

Why Industry Leaders Value STEM Educators

Anne Jolly is thankful for so many remarkable STEM educators – willing to step out and try new cutting-edge ideas and practices, take risks, and educate kids in ways that grow skills, knowledge and leadership. Jolly explains why industry respects STEM teachers and students too.

Shifting the Balance with Headwork and Heartwork

The authors of Shifting the Balance (Grades 3-5) invite literacy educators in the upper elementary and early middle grades to “engage in both the headwork and the heartwork required to ensure our practices are science-aligned and student-centered.” And do it in a safe space.

Strategies to Integrate AI into Every Classroom

Donnie Piercey’s 50 Strategies for Integrating AI offers a comprehensive guide for educators ready to harness the potential of AI. Piercey includes a wide range of practical strategies and insights to enrich the learning experience for K-12 students, writes Kathie Palmieri.

Six Characteristics of a Learning-Focused School

Learning focused schools have a collective growth mindset and a shared belief that every student can learn and grow. Education leaders Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn share six characteristics that define such schools and offer ideas about how to accomplish each one.