301 Search results

For the term "STEM".

9 Ways Parents Can Support STEM Habits

Kids develop STEM habits in the classroom, but they spend most of their time outside of school. That’s where parents and other adults can help to inspire, support, and continue their children’s STEM learning. Anne Jolly’s tip-filled letter to caregivers can help.

Fun Student Activities for the Testing Season

During the barrage of mandatory assessments each spring, it can be tempting to “decide to do very little with our students” between tests, says Curtis Chandler. But why not make every minute count? Teachers can do just that with these engaging cross-curricular activities.

200+ Lives to Explore in Picture Books

Picture book biographies can help students understand others’ perspectives and problem solving strategies. Teacher Joanne Bell recommends Deskins and Dorr’s take on aligning these science, social studies, and arts biographies to national content standards.

Here’s How to Keep a STEM Lesson on Track

How can teachers help students become deep thinkers and creative problem solvers – skills needed to solve the pressing challenges facing global societies? STEM provides a pathway. Expert Anne Jolly poses 11 questions that can help teachers design effective STEM lessons.

Optimize ‘Wasted Time’ on Annual Testing Days

Every year, writes teacher leader Jennifer Smith, schools “muddle through” standardized testing days trying to design schedules that take less time away from productive learning. Her 5th grade team tried a fresh approach that both engaged and energized test-weary kids.

An Outstanding Resource for Teaching Gifted Kids

Whether you teach in a gifted education classroom or have gifted students in your general classroom, you will find Teaching Gifted Children a thorough treatment of established practice and current trends in working with high-ability learners, says educator Linda Biondi.