1178 Search results

For the term "Best Agility Writer Review by Reyman Cruz".

10 Steps to Deeper Student Reading

What do your students need to succeed in close reading? Literacy consultant Nancy Boyles outlines 10 steps in this article, drawn from her recent Corwin book “Closer Reading.” She also includes five questions to consider before students get started.

Complex Texts: Let Readers Make Their Meaning First

Standards-driven reading lessons often force students to “take” rather than “make” meaning from complex texts, says educator Dorothy Barnhouse. To deepen understanding, she recommends letting students first “notice” and think about the textual layers.

Poems To Sustain Our Teaching Hearts

The end of the school year has been difficult for Kevin Hodgson, as his 6th graders begin to abandon their collaborative community, looking ahead to summer and secondary school. He finds sustenance in a new book of poetry and teacher reflection.

Why This Digital Teacher Loves Paper Dictionaries

The topic of dictionaries came up in assorted conversations in the past few weeks, reminding Kevin Hodgson both of the power of those esteemed books of words as symbols of thought and scholarship, and the ways in which technology is completely altering the ease and means of how we find information when we need it.