1226 Search results

For the term "Edmore City phone number 1-614-647-0039 Electrical service companies near me".

Insights into School Culture

Any leader who believes that school culture is an important topic to pursue will find Building a Culture of Support: Strategies for School Leaders to be a crucial tool, says reviewer Geralyn Schmidt.

Better Teaching through Practice

Many teachers do not see skills development as an ongoing part of their job. Doug Lemov’s book, Practice Perfect: 42 Rules for Getting Better at Getting Better, offers a framework for better teaching through deliberate practice, says reviewer Renee Masterson.

How to Build Lifelong Readers

Reading Without Limits: Teaching Strategies to Build Independent Reading for Life, a practical guide to developing and sustaining lifelong readers, “almost brought me out of retirement,” says veteran middle grades teacher Beverly Maddox.

Empowering Self-Driven Learners

In her review of Larry Ferlazzo’s Self-Driven Learning: Teaching Strategies for Student Motivation, Julie Dermody says, “Educators who read this book will become more effective teachers…better equipped to deal with daily challenges of motivating our students.”

Crazy Good Teaching Stuff

The Collected Writings (So Far) of Rick Wormeli: Crazy Good Stuff I’ve Learned About Teaching Along the Way is a major collection of the author’s columns and articles on middle grades teaching practice and is indeed “crazy good stuff,” says reviewer Elizabeth Stein.