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Visible Learning Tools to Teach Literacy Effectively

Sixth grade ELA and social studies teacher Kathee Lamberies expects she will be using Teaching Literacy in the Visible Learning Classroom from Fisher, Frey, Hattie and Thayre and tabbing its pages for years to come. It is likely to become her new “bible” of teaching!

Teaching Tips: Don’t Forget 7 Grading Essentials

Some aspects of grading, such as whether to grade homework, are individual choices for a teacher. But never lose sight, says expert Barbara Blackburn, of seven essential practices that determine whether grading will be fair and meaningful – or ultimately pointless.

Getting More Out of Google Docs in Class

Google Docs can make writing tasks more efficient, providing teachers and students with templates, commenting features, voice typing, and more. While 30 million U.S. students now use Docs, Curtis Chandler says many do not take full advantage of its “power-up” features.

Diverse Books Help Kids Discover Social Justice

When teachers choose literature that widens the lens on life, students discover how to reach beyond their experiences, reading between the lines, walking in others’ shoes, breaking down walls, and realizing they can act to affect the world, says teacher Bridget Suvansri.

Digital Student Portfolios Show What Kids Can Do

Digital student portfolios have tremendous potential, writes author and principal Matt Renwick, from organizing passion projects to promoting student-led assessment. They can be the main method for students to document their own learning and demonstrate what they can do.