354 Search results

For the term "Language Arts Resources".

3 Strategies for Teaching Academic Vocabulary

Although we have always known the importance of teaching vocabulary, there’s been a recent surge of interest in teaching academic vocabulary across the content areas. Author Barbara Blackburn describes three strategies she recommends to help make the new words stick.

A How-To Guide: School Improvement for All

Every chapter of School Improvement for All starts with commentary about how to determine vision versus reality, outlines ways to get from one to the other, and then provides concrete tools and steps to follow as a plan of action, writes NBCT Kathy Pham. A true guide to PLC success.

Storytelling – The Heart of Teaching and Learning

Storytelling – speaking, writing, hearing, and appreciating our own and other’s stories – can be an equalizer for ensuring all students’ lives are respected, honored, and recorded, writes Literacy Essentials author Regie Routman. Learn about her new podcast series.

Conferring: A Powerful Tool Across Disciplines

Unlike quick teacher check-ins, teaching conferences allow for a deep conversation with a student in just 5 or 6 minutes. And they’re not just for ELA teachers and balanced literacy. Katie McGrath shares step by step conferring tips to target learning in any content area.

Creating a Culture for Math Success

Follow along as Nicki Newton and Janet Nuzzie join educators in “mathematizing” their Texas district – developing math lovers and a common math language at the district, staff, campus, classroom and student level. Middle school teacher Dena Hause found lots of resources!

A Workshop Model for Science, Social Studies

The workshop model moves beyond literacy in Inquiry Illuminated. The authors present science and social studies in a workshop framework, engaging students from research to presentation. Literacy specialist Andrea Doyon recommends the detailed book to teachers and districts.

Honing Our Questions to Deepen History Learning

To foster social studies students who are more curious, collaborative and invested, Katie McGrath worked with a district team to hone essential questions and develop a process of “micro-progression” that leads each student to understanding. Steps and examples included!