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A Hybrid Approach to Mobile Devices

Susan Brooks-Young offers a gateway to designing a Hybrid Mobile Technology Program in any unique school district setting. Her brief book features an abundance of resources, guidelines, and questions, says Joshua Zagorski, a K-12 STEM supervisor and instructional technologist.

10 Motivators to Promote Playful Learning

Laura Robb believes play is essential to success. Her “Big 10 Student Motivators” can help encourage collaboration, playful learning, innovative thinking, and student engagement in reading, writing, researching, discussing, and analyzing across all subjects.

Teach Your Student Writers How to Add Details

Each lesson in Rozlyn Linder’s “The Big Book of Details” can be quickly implemented by busy teachers as they grab a tool from this practical writing kit, says teacher Sandy Wisneski. Activities and real-world examples guide students as they enrich their prose.

How to Help Students Own Their Learning

Every time Elisa Waingort opens Leaders of Their Own Learning, she finds another simple but brilliant suggestion to improve her teaching and the learning of her students. She recommends repeated reading of this fully resourced guide to student-driven learning and assessment.

Help Student Writers Find the Best Evidence

Teaching students to write effective arguments supported by reliable evidence is one of the notable “stretch goals” of the common core. Expert Sarah Tantillo has added a critical new step to her own strategy in an effort to help more students reach the goal.

Teaching Propaganda Using Political Ads

As the 2016 Presidential Campaign heats up, media literacy expert Frank W. Baker brings the political races to the classroom with standards-based activities to help students understand the persuasive power of plentiful and often misleading political ads.

Literacy Learning Still Begins with Story

Katie Egan Cunningham stresses the importance of caring for our students’ stories even as we explore fiction and story-making with them. Reviewer Mary Langer Thompson highly recommends the book for its practical focus mixed with a philosophy beautifully expressed.

Idea Starters for the Genius Hour Classroom

Genius Hour gives students the opportunity to be autonomous in their learning. Sometimes, though, they need a little start-up help. Experts Gallit Zvi and Denise Krebs share lots of starter ideas for students and classrooms and urge readers to add their own.

How to Make Genius Hour Happen

In The Genius Hour Guidebook Denise Krebs and Gallit Zvi make the case for sharing Genius Hour with your students, explaining why it works and how to bring it alive for your classes. Educator Sandy Wisneski says the easy read is packed with resources.