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What We Can Do When Kids Don’t Write Clearly

The difficulty students have in writing clearly can be traced to many factors, says literacy consultant Sarah Tantillo, from muddled pre-CCSS standards to weak teaching practices. Here she offers concrete suggestions to correct persistent writing problems in the secondary grades.

The All-You-Can-Eat Math Resources Buffet

A steady flow of new district teaching resources is creating a more-than-you-can-eat buffet effect for 4th grade teacher Mary Tarashuk. Take the new online math program. Can she manage to put together the right selection of new dishes and old favorites?

Involving Math Students in Formative Assessment

Bringing Math Students into the Formative Assessment Equation is in a league of its own by focusing solely on the middle level math educator who wants to write effective learning targets. Educator Maia Fastabend already plans to employ some of the book’s tools.

Tie TV Advertising to Media Literacy Lessons

Knowing how television programming is funded can help students understand what is available to view. Media literacy expert Frank W. Baker links to sources of advertising data and suggests activities to build student savvy about the genres that fill their screens.