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Grading Group Work Fairly & Effectively

This less-than-50-page book from Susan M. Brookhart can help teachers assign fair individual grades growing out of group work, says teacher-reviewer Tracey Muise. It’s packed with ideas and examples for assessing group projects in various subjects.

Five Myths about Rigor and the Common Core

Moving beyond the five myths of rigor to incorporate true instructional rigor in the classroom is critical in light of the Common Core, says expert Barbara Blackburn, who advocates scaffolding and differentiation to help all students achieve more.

A Good Introduction to Singapore Math

For teachers who have not used Singapore math strategies before but want to give them a go, Jana Hazecamp’s book Why Before How is a great place to start, says former 4th grade math teacher Jennifer Underwood, who adds some tech ideas of her own.

STEAM & Media Literacy

Media literacy consultant Frank W. Baker considers some of the ways that media arts intersect with STEM and present STEAM learning opportunities.