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How to Avoid CCSS Weak Teaching Advice

Reviewer Tyler McBride says the authors of Uncommon Core draw on research and their classroom experience to help teachers and administrators avoid some “absurd” teaching practices implied in the Common Core standards and get CCSS implementation right.

Have Some Serious Fun in Your Classroom

Loaded with ideas for blending fun and joy into the serious business of learning, the new book Serious Fun: Practical Strategies to Motivate and Engage Students is easy to read and ready to use in the classroom, says reviewer Laura Von Staden.

Why This Digital Teacher Loves Paper Dictionaries

The topic of dictionaries came up in assorted conversations in the past few weeks, reminding Kevin Hodgson both of the power of those esteemed books of words as symbols of thought and scholarship, and the ways in which technology is completely altering the ease and means of how we find information when we need it.

Advanced Strategies Can Help Kids Become Wild Readers

Donalyn Miller’s Reading in the Wild is a great workshop-focused resource for any ELA teacher who wants to cultivate lifelong reading habits and is “looking for a viable alternative to traditional instruction,” says teacher-reviewer Tyler McBride.