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For the term "cheap one way last minute airline tickets phone number 1-800-299-7264".

The 10-Minute Vocabulary Lesson

Brief encounters with academic vocabulary can add hundreds of words to a student’s collection every year. How to find the time for those short lessons in a busy school day? Marilee Sprenger shares ten possibilities in this guest article.

A Joyous Vision of the Holodeck Classroom

David Thornburg’s From the Campfire to the Holodeck is not just about blending technology into lessons; it’s about good teaching in learning environments designed for the 21st century, says reviewer Sarah Cooper. Is there a holodeck in your school’s future?

An Even Better Morning Meeting Book

The 3rd edition of The Morning Meeting Book (K-8) is a well-researched, easy-to-read and ready-to-apply guide to one of the Responsive Classroom’s core strategies, says teacher Linda Biondi, who recommends it for both new & ongoing Morning Meeting practitioners.

Why This Digital Teacher Loves Paper Dictionaries

The topic of dictionaries came up in assorted conversations in the past few weeks, reminding Kevin Hodgson both of the power of those esteemed books of words as symbols of thought and scholarship, and the ways in which technology is completely altering the ease and means of how we find information when we need it.