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Literacy Principles Worth Fighting For

Thomas Newkirk urges us to consider how, in a test-crazed culture, we can stay focused on what matters for our students. Holding On To Good Ideas in a Time of Bad Ones is not a literacy ‘how-to’ book, says Jenni Miller, but important nonetheless.

Helping Students Develop Growth Mindsets

In Mindsets in the Classroom, says reviewer Katie Gordon, author Mary Cay Ricci provides a thorough foundation in what growth mindset is, why it matters, and how to foster it in key stakeholders, namely teachers, students, and parents.

Teen Life Today: It Sure Is Complicated

In her book about the social life of networked teens, Internet scholar danah boyd “issues a call to all of us who are adults to take more time to understand the shifts now taking place,” 6th grade teacher Kevin Hodgson writes. The guidance role of teachers & parents “has never been more important, nor more complicated.”